The year was 1921 and Guccio Gucci opened his first store in Florence. In the beginning, Gucci made high quality leather bags and the inspiration came from those who lived in London. Many of the customers were interested in horses and wanted products for their equestrian gear, this is from where the brand’s popular horse-bit feature originates.
In 1966, the famous floral print silk scarf was first created, after a special request from Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco. Over the years, Gucci has grown to become one of the most famous brands. Take the opportunity to find one of their classic bags at A Piece Lux!
Gucci flora hat
3 999 kr
Gucci sneakers limited edition
5 499 kr
Gucci Sylvie blue bag
13 999 kr
Gucci sneakers Ace GG supreme
3 499 kr